Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I have a wonderful story! Prepare yourselves. A famous celebrity will join me presently over a live internet stream.
I was driving my lifted truck around today, when I hit and killed a dog. Don't worry. Another larger dog came and ate it. I was crying in my lifted truck when a large lady floated over cabin (I know she was large because the cabin on my Avalanche is HUGE). She landed in the back of the truck and said, "Honey baby, why you cryin'?" I realized Aretha Franklin (the last airbender) was trying to console me. I told her about what had just happened. She said "Honey baby, animals die all the time. Let me Say a Little Prayer for You."
Finally, as promised, a live, all day concert brought to you by a very concerned diva.

 Aretha Franklin - I Say a Little Prayer for You .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

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